MUSIC AUTUMN 2023 – 8 appointments with the ‘Good Music’

The intense musical adventure continues, of the Culture and Music Association – G. Curci, which proposes its Autunno Musicale, now in its 39. ma Edition: 8 Sunday appointments with good Music with Orchestras, Ensembles and Soloists in an alternation of genres and different formations that will create a musical journey of the highest level and of great interest, both for lovers of good music and for those who want to listen to different proposals, at the Auditorium of the Urban Laboratory Gos, in Viale Marconi, 49, in Barletta with door at 18.30 and beginning at 19.00. For info and reservations tel. 3803454431

It begins on Sunday, Oct. 8, with a charming tribute to the Music of Brahms with his cheerful Serenades belonging to the “Music of Entertainment” with pieces with a bright and lighthearted character closely related to fun. The performer of the evening, conducted for the occasion by the Spaniard Pascual Cabanes, will be the Chamber Orchestra of Matera and Basilicata, a formation that is ductile and flexible in its personnel and repertoire, composed of young musicians along with established soloists and career professionals.

That of Sunday, Oct. 15, will be a Sunday to be spent among fantasies and dances, with the FantasTrio, 

Giuseppe Nese, flute, Antonio Tinelli, clarinet, and Gabriella Orlando, piano, with original writings and transcriptions, moments in duo and trio, with a leading lineup that certainly does not lack variety and flair, as well as an internationally recognized talent that will captivate and engage the audience.

A concert not to be missed for fans of Jazz and Pop Song, from South America to Mediterranean Music the one on October 22 with the Latin Jazz Duo,with the wonderful voice of Simona Capozucco and the eclectic guitar of Maurizio Di Fulvio, during which it will be possible to enjoy performances of songs of rare beauty, from the old to the new world on the most beautiful music of the 20th century , until touching the romanticism of Di Capua without, however, forgetting the beauty of Jobim’s scores.

Decidedly more classical was the concert on Sunday, October 29, with the Duo Antero Arena, violin and Maria Assunta Munafò , piano. A concert balanced between virtuosity, melody and technique starring the violin for a sonic journey through European music of various backgrounds at the turn of the century. From Schubert to Spanish De Falla to the Melodies of Russian Prokofieff . An exciting program, where the violin will be the absolute protagonist.

On Sunday, Nov. 5, space is given to Fantasia with the splendid voice of Korean soprano Sang Eun Kim and pianist Luigi Giachino, a great expert in film music, in a repertoire dedicated to the famous soundtracks of Walt Disney’s masterpieces. The proposed repertoire spans half a century of Disney production and is a tribute to his unmistakable style. In the pieces performed, atmospheres of poetry and dreams are combined with more joyful and lighthearted moments, enhancing the artists’ flair, versatility and skill.

Ready to go on an interesting Journey….. from Rossini to Piazzolla , Sunday, Nov. 12,with the Scaramouche Duo, Raffaele Bertolini, clarinet, Antonella De Vinco, piano, which moves smoothly between different genres, through the performance of the most iconic pieces of the repertoire for clarinet and piano, starting from classical with Rossini’s intriguing Variations, to the Blues of an American in Paris by George Gershwin, to the ragtime jazz cadences of Benny Goodmann, then touching on the incomparable Morricone, and then descending into a somewhat kletzmer repertoire with a Jewish flavor, with Kovacs , until closing in a big way with Piazzolla .

On Sunday, Nov. 19, a fascinating tribute to tango awaits us with Piazzolla Mon Amour… a show-concert entirely dedicated to the Argentine composer Astor Piazzolla, father of the “Nuevo Tango” and a major figure in the musical world of the 20th century with the Duo Domenico Masiello, violin, and Michele Fazio, piano, who will accompany the audience on a wonderful journey made of nostalgic and sensual emotions, with music that will retrace not only the life of the Argentine master, but also of that historical era characterized by so many changes in music as well as in society.

Closing this 39th Edition of the Autunno Musicale” will be the Trio Felix’s Divagazioni Marilena Gaudio, voice, Giacomo Piepoli, clarinet and Flavio Peconio , piano with a program that will cross the various continents, passing from the bucolic atmospheres of Germany, to the chamber jazz of ‘America, and then exploring the Italian melodicism of opera and Neapolitan song, but without neglecting the melodic contaminations of Latin America.

Door 6:30 p.m. – start 7 p.m.
Season Ticket for 8 events € 30.00 – Single Seat Ticket € 10.00

For info and reservations tel. 3803454431;; @asscurci