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Complete Rules and Application Forms in pdf format

35th Young Musician International Competition
‘Città di Barletta’ – Curci Theatre – May 13 – 18, 2025
The 35th Young Musician International Competition “Città di Barletta” Live Edition is organized by the “Cultura e Musica – Giuseppe Curci” Music Association and sponsored by the Barletta Town Administration, the Apulia Region and the Italian Ministry of Culture – Music Department.
The purpose of the competition is to valorize the young musicians and to present their talent, artistry and inspiration, stimulating international cultural exchange and promoting the cultural and touristy resources of the country.
All the Competitions will take place in the Curci Theatre, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 71 – Barletta – Italy.
The Young Soloist International Prize and the Chamber Music International Prize will take place from 13th to 15th May 2025.
The Young Pianist International Prize will take place from 16th to 18th May, 2025.
The evaluation of the International Composition Prize will be done on 18th May 2025.
The Competitions are open to all the musicians of the world.
The Competition is divided in 4 Sections:
a) Young Pianist International Prize
b) Young Soloist International Prize (Strings – Guitar – Winds)
c) Chamber Music International Prize (Duo – Trio and Ensemble)
d) Composition International Prize
Junior Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2017.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 5 min.
A Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2015.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 7 min.
B Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2013.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 10 min.
C Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2011.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 12 min.
D Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2009.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 15 min.
E Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2006.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 20 min.
F Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2001.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 25 min.
G Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1993.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 30 min.
Junior Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2016.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 5 min.
A Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2013.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 8 min.
B Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2010.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 10 min.
C Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2006.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 15 min.
D Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2001.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 20 min.
E Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1993.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 25 min.
- DUO – any instrument and/or voice except Two Pianos
A Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2010.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 10 min.
B Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2006.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 15 min.
C Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2001.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 18 min.
D Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1995.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 20 min.
E Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1989.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration. of 25 min.
any instrument and / or voice from Trio to Ensemble
A Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2010.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 10 min.
B Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2006.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 15 min.
C Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 2001.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 18 min.
D Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1995.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration of 20 min.
E Category
Applicants born on or after 1st January 1989.
A free choice programme not exceeding the max duration. of 25 min
N.B.: In the Chamber Music Section it’s possible to participate even for the players who are older than the age limits, if the average of the age of all the players is not over the limits.
open to all composers of any nationality, without age limits.
-An unpublished composition not longer than 10 minutes.
Each participant can participate with one or more scores, for the same or different categories, in anonymous form.
Cat. A – Solo Instrument (with or without electronics)
Cat. B – From 2 to 4 performers (with or without electronics)
Cat. C – Acousmatic
For A and B category the available instrumentation is the following:
1 Clarinet
1 Guitar
1 Flute or Piccolo (1 performer)
1 Oboe
1 Soprano, alto, tenor or baritone Saxophone (1 performer)
1 Piano
1 Keyboard, Keyboard Sampler or Midi Keyboard
2 Violins
1 Viola
1 Cello
1 Double Bass
The optional electronics can be tape or live electronics and must be stereo.
For A and B categories, participants will have to email to
- A first PDF file containing the anonymous score identified only by a ‘motto';
- A second PDF file containing the filled and signed application form and the payment receipt of the entry fee;
- In the mail text it is possible to indicate a link to an MP3 file containing the simulation or recording of the composition (the link must remain active until the date of the competition).
MP3 simulation is recommended for compositions without electronics, mandatory for those with electronics.
For the C category, participants will have to email to
- A link without an expiration date (Dropbox, Google Drive, Mega, Pcloud, or similar) to the audio file of the composition. It should be named as follows: Motto – Composition Title, without any reference to the composer’s name;
– PDF file containing the completed and signed registration form and the payment receipt of the participation fee, attached to the email.
The candidates can enrol in an older Category and they can participate to more Sections in this Competition, but not to more Categories in the same Section (it is allowed only for the Composition Section).
The maximum duration established for each category does not require contestants to reach it, but the performance can’t exceed the limit.
The contestants will admit to the Auditions in alphabetical order. The Competition calendar will be notified as soon is possible.All the auditions will be public. The Audition, the prize-giving ceremony and the final concert will take place in the Curci Theatre at the following address : Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 71 – Barletta. In the same place will be active, during the Competition, the Competition Secretariat, where you can register your arriving in Barletta and ask information. The contestants must ask for the day, the time and the place of their own audition from the website w or from Competition Secretary.If they will arrive on delay, they can play only if the Jury will be agree to listen them, in any case not later the end of their own Category. Before the Audition each contestant must show to the Jury an identity card and give a copy of the pieces he will play
The Competition will take place in accordance with this provisional Schedule.
The result will be published every day after each category.
Young Soloist International Prize
Guitar 13 May 2025
Winds 13 May 2025
Strings 14 May 2025
Chamber Music International Prize
Duo 15 May 2025
Ensemble 15 May 2025
Final Concert of the 1st Absolute Prizes and of the Special Prizes of
Strings – Winds – Guitar and Chamber Music May 15th 2025
Young Pianist International Prize
Piano Solo 16-17-18 May 2025
Composition International Prize Works Evaluation 82 May 2025
Final Concert of the 1st Absolute Prizes and of the Special Prizes of
Piano May 18th 2025
N.B.: This Schedule can be modified connecting to the number of the enrolments.
Musicians of considerable experience will make up the Juries, and the Association Curci President or a delegate. We apply the Ministerial Law n. 2 (August 11th 1989) about the incompatible rules for the Jury. The Jury will make a secret centesimal voting, with arithmetic mean, except highest and lowest scores. The President can round up or down the results.
The Absolute Winner for each Category is the competitor who gained the highest score, but not less than 98/100.First Prizes are the competitors who gained a score not lower than 95/100; Second Prizes not lower than 90/100: Thirds not lower than 85/100; Merit Diplomas not lower than 80/100; Participation Diplomas not lower than 60/100. The absolute winners must play gratis during the Final Concert; if they will not do that they will lose the Prizes. The competitors can’t make any economic claim for any audio and/or video recordings made during the Competition and the Final concert. These recordings will be exclusive property of the Curci Association for any utilization. Participants agree and authorise the Cultura e Musica G. Curci Association to publish their image, video captions, and recording for promotion and publicity without any fee request. During the Competition nobody can make video or tape recordings or make photos without Association Curci authorization. The First Absolute Prize is indivisible. Each prize will have the deduction at source. Teachers/accompanists may receive diplomas on request.
Young Pianist International Prize
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the Junior – A – B Categories: Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the C – D Categories: Prize of 200 Euros and Diploma
- For the 1st Absolute Prize of the E Category: Prize of 250 Euros and Diploma
- For the 1st Absolute Prize of the F Category: Prize of 350 Euros and Diploma
- For the 1st Absolute Prize of the G Category: Prize of 500 Euros and Diploma
Young Soloist International Prize Strings – Guitar – Winds
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the Junior – A – B Categories: Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the C – D Categories: Prize of 200 Euros and Diploma
- For the 1st Absolute Prize of the E Category: Prize of 350 Euros and Diploma
Chamber Music International Prize Duo – Ensemble
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the A – B Category: Prize of 150 Euros and Diploma
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the C Categories: Prize of 250 Euros and Diploma
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the D Category: Prize of 300 Euros and Diploma
- For each 1st Absolute Prize of the E Category: Prize of 500 Euros l and Diploma
Composition International Prize
-For each 1st Absolute Prize of the A – B – C Categories
Prize of 200 Euros, diploma and performance of the winner piece in the Concert Seasons of the Curci Association or of the Soundiff Chamber Orchestra.
The Artistic Director will decide, for one or more winners compositions:
- to record and digitally publish and spread the Composition by Curci Association
-For all the other competitors who will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes in every Category:
Diploma with score.
-For all the other competitors who will gain a score not lower than 60/100 in every Category:
Diploma with score.
-To each teacher with 1st prize pupils: Diploma.
14– SPECIAL PRIZES – Artistic Director Special Prizes –
‘National Composer’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
- for the best performance of a piece of a composer born in the same Nation of the contestant
‘Bach’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
-for the best performance of a piece by J. S. Bach
‘Virtuoso’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
- for the best performance of a virtuoso piece or etude
‘Classical Sonata’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
-for the best performance of a classical Sonata
‘Contemporary Music’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
-for the best performance of a piece composed after 1960
‘Romantic Music’ Prize of 100 Euros and Diploma
-for the best performance of a romantic piece
The Artistic Direction reserves the right to assign 10 Prize-Concerts to the first prize winners with distinction during the Competition, offered by several Music Associations and Institutions.
The winners of the Prize Concerts will receive a refund of expenses for these Concerts.
“Claudio Ceschini” Prize
For the best Saxophonist of the Competition : Special Diploma.
“W. A. Mozart” Prize
For the youngest contestant who will win not less than a 3rd prize: Special Diploma.
“M. Clementi” Prize
For the Teacher who will have more prize winner pupils: Special Diploma.
1 – Piano – Strings – Guitar – Winds (Junior – A – B Cat.) 40 Euros
2 – Piano – Strings – Guitar – Winds (C – D Cat.) 50 Euros
3 – Piano (E – F – G Cat.), Strings – Guitar – Winds (E Cat.) 60 Euros
4 – Duo – Ensemble (A – B Cat.) 60 Euros
5 – Duo – Ensemble (C – D Cat.) 70 Euros
6 – Duo – Ensemble (E Cat.) 80 Euros
7 – Composition (A-B-C Cat.) 50 Euros
The Entry Fees for Duo and Ensemble, are aggregate amounts; whatever is the number of the players of each group.
The Soloists who need the Competition Piano Accompanist, must add to the application fee an additional fee of 30 Euros (Junior and A cat) or of 40 Euros (B cat) or of 50 Euros (C cat) or of 60 Euros (D and E cat) and send a copy of the scores they will play with application form.
The Application Form can be filled on the online form (not allowed for Composition Prize) on our website or on a pdf copy of it.
For any information you can contact us:
tel/fax +39 0883 528026 Mobile Phone +39 380 3454431 ( from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. on weekdays)
E-mail b
The Application Form, with the Entry Fee receipt,
can be send in one of the following ways:
a) by form online on our web site (not allowed for Composition Section)
b) by mail to
not later than Wednesday, April 30, 2025.
The Entry Fee, not refundable, must be payed in a following way:
a) by Paypal using the form on our website h ttp:// or
b) by bank transfer entered to:
BdM S.p.A. – Filiale di Barletta – via Ferdinando d’Aragona n. 173 – 76121 Barletta (BT) – Italy Account n. 1000866 ABI 05424 CAB 41350 CIN D
IBAN: IT33 D054 2441 3500 0000 1000 866
named to :
“Cultura e Musica G.CURCI – ETS” via P.Mascagni,1 76121 BARLETTA (Bt) – ITALIA
All bank charges incurred must be borne by the applicant.
No refund is available.
If you will enrol yourself to the Competition, you must accept all these Rules.
In any case of controversy the Italian text is valid and the Trani Court is competent.